Please find information on next CRISMOS SEMINAR (Critical Studies on Mobility) ” Critical Studies on Mobility” Seminar is a collaboration on research and research seminars between two universities, Uppsala and Stockholm, and one research institute, The Royal Institute of Technology. The researchers come from different disciplines such as Education, Sociology, Sociology of Education and Science and International and Comparative Education.

Our interest is research on Critical Studies on Mobility. This includes theoretical explorations of the social construction of mobility and its ideological underpinnings and policy processes as well as empirical studies on mobility/lack of mobility of individuals. The prime areas are the Higher Education sector and the Labor Market as well as research into sustainable development.

The next seminar takes place September 30th and is a joint seminar with division of Ethnology, Stockholm University. Paula Mählck will present ongoing research on Postcolonial knowledge relations.


Carina Carlhed Edu/UU and Paula Mählck, Edu/Su