Information on next CRSIMOS

Dear all, please find information on our next seminar with Getnet Tizazu Fetene, a Bourdieu scholar from Addis Ababa University

October, 22th, 9.30-11, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala. Venue: Jakaranda. Getnet Tizazu Fetene (PhD), Assistant Professor of Sociology of Education, Department of Educational Planning and Management, College of Education and Behavioral Studies, Addis Ababa University, presents his study: The Status of Private Provision of Higher Education in Ethiopia.

ABSTRACT: The major objective of this study was to assess the status of the provision of higher education (PHE) in Ethiopia. More specifically, the study has attempted: to provide a historical overview of private provision, to examine the regulatory framework for private higher education, and to assess the opportunities and constraints for growth of private higher education in Ethiopia and to suggest policy choices for the sector. Empirical materials for the study were drawn from two major sources: documentary information (e.g. policy documents, the 20 year Education Sector Development Plans—ESDP I-IV and some important directives from HERQA/Ministry of Education) as well as in-depth interviews conducted with seven key informants (five heads of pioneer private providers and two other providers). Among other things, the study revealed that the Ethiopian government created positive climate, at least initially, that allowed an unprecedented mushrooming of PHEIs; that the provision of PHE in Ethiopia suffers from considerable lack of predictability/certainty; and that there are practices indicative of double standards that will affect the operation of the private sector. The need to have a clear roadmap about the contribution of the PHE Institutes stood out as an overall recommendation to tackle constraints related to the provision of higher education in the country.

CRISMOS –  Critical Studies on Mobility Seminar is a collaboration on research and research seminars between two universities, Uppsala and Stockholm, and one research institute, The Nordic Africa Institute. The researchers come from different disciplines such as Education, Sociology, Sociology of Education and Science and International and Comparative Education.
